The Most Flattering Piece of Clothing You Should Wear Today
While the name “Suits and Sneaks” speaks for itself, I wanted to take a quick moment and share with you why the “Suits” part is so key to your polished causal wardrobe. Guys and girls, read on for the top four things simply wearing a jacket can do for you.
1. You can wear whatever style you want underneath.
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I love when I see professional on the outside and then something so stylish, trendy, or heck, even downright funny underneath it. It shows the world that you can be professional and have a totally kick-ass personality shining through at the same time.
2. It shapes you where it counts.
Ladies, the blazer tucks you in on both the waist and chest lines so you can walk into work with clean edges. Guys, if you’re looking for size, the jacket gives you the broad shoulders and chest you’ve been working towards (with no extra reps needed). And just as the ladies benefit, it also polishes off your waist line by hiding that little bit of extra you might be carrying.
3. It hides wrinkly or sloppy shirts.
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Even if your shirts are perfectly pressed in the morning, they’re going to soften up and wrinkle as the day goes on. The jacket however, being the heavier material it is, will stand strong for you, keeping you crisp looking and sharp for the entire day.
4. It shows you care.
Throwing a nice, fitted jacket on top of your outfit is the easiest way to one-up your level of professionalism without actually having to do any extra work. It gives you an added layer of clout, of stature, and it simply polishes you off.
Suits & Sneaks' Kristin Leigh
So hold up your jacket my friends, give it a great big smile and say, “Jacket, you complete me.” Because that’s exactly the look it’s giving you, one of polished completion. Be sure to check out some of my favorite styles I picked out below. And of course, follow @suits.and.sneaks on Instagram for your dose of daily Suits & Sneaks fashion posts.